Author: piran1_littlewiz

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Learning by Expressing
February 10, 2018November 12, 2019

Learning by Expressing

Interacting with others and expressing oneself is a skill one should acquire from a young age and is an important learning tool. Communicating with peers and friends helps sharpen their interaction skills, boosts confidence, helps them show their emotions and respect that of others.

Learning by Nurturing
February 2, 2018November 12, 2019

Learning by Nurturing

We believe that efficient learning can only happen in a positive school environment where students are cared for and nurtured. Creating a culture of trust, happiness and openness is the key to maximizing student learning. We aim to provide a safe, calm and stress-free learning environment through our curriculum and daily activities.

January 28, 2018January 28, 2018

How to Count by 2s, 5s & 10s

Quisque pellentesque nibh ut sem elementum pulvinar. Integer bibendum, ligula a dapibus bibendum, massa lectus condimentum augue, sit amet rhoncus nibh arcu ut urna. Nam imperdiet id lectus sed vestibulum. Ut tempor libero sit amet metus fermentum ullamcorper. Nullam scelerisque iaculis purus eu varius. Integer molestie in leo et consectetur. Donec varius velit quis tellus...

January 27, 2018January 27, 2018

Children Fun in our Kids Garden

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed tincidunt porta velit, sed suscipit massa consequat sed. Integer est ante, dictum quis metus non, rhoncus accumsan ante. Quisque auctor justo eu odio tincidunt, vitae consectetur nulla consequat. Nam vel aliquet turpis, ac sollicitudin nisi. Cras erat leo, mollis sit amet lacus a, tristique euismod quam....

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